Please allow me to introduce myself! My name is Tami, and I'm a 40 year old mom of two beautiful breastfed kids.
My son was breastfed for almost 2 years (22 1/2 months), my daughter weaned at age 5 years (on her birthday actually!)
When I had my son, I really struggled. No one helped me. My husband and I had no clue what we were doing! All I knew
was I wanted to breastfeed. I REALLY wanted to. So we stuck it out. Finally, at almost 3 days old, he finally latched on,
and we made it almost 2 years! My daughter was born a little overdue, and she had a tongue tie. Nursing with a tongue tie
is about as painful a thing as I can think of to do in regards to breastfeeding. We got her tongue corrected at 3 days old
by a Naturopath, and she nursed until the day of her 5th birthday.
I live in Southern Nevada with my wonderful husband Ryan, and my children, Thomas and Gracie. I'm a Lactation Specialist,
Lactation Educator and Lactation Counselor here, working with new moms and babies. It's a very rewarding job!
I hope that you will choose to be a part of this wonderful book. I look forward to hearing from you!