Welcome to The SNBS Bookstore!
Here you will find all my picks for the very best in Pregnancy, Birth, Breastfeeding and Parenting books!
All suggestions are linked through the Amazon information box that you see displayed. Simply click to purchase!
I am now pleased to announce that I am part of the Amazon Affilliates Program. Purchases made through
clicking the links on this page provide direct financial benefit to SNBS, allowing me to continue my "no fee" work with teenage
mothers (18 and under) in the Las Vegas metro area, providing them with in-home services, and when possible, needed equipment
to assist in breastfeeding and returning to work/school.
Here you will find the best of the best in educational materials! Tried, true, gentle, positive in every way!
Thank you for helping to support Southern Nevada Breastfeeding Services' efforts to make a difference in the
lives of young mothers!
*Note To Parents*
Just as with the bottle pages, this page is a statement of personal opinion. The opinion
of your family, your clergy and your family doctor may vary. Here you will find my personal opinions.
Pregnancy & Natural Birthing Picks!
Ina May's Guide To Childbirth: Ina May Gaskin
Founding member and former president of the Midwives Alliance of North America and author of Spiritual Midwivery,
Gaskin offers encouragement and practical advice in her upbeat and informative book on natural childbirth. Since the mid-1970s,
Gaskin and the midwives in her practice on a Summertown, Tenn., commune known as "The Farm," have attended over 2,200 natural
births. Gaskin, who learned the rudiments of her gentle birthing technique from the Mayans in Guatemala, has helped bring
attention to the method's remarkably low rate of morbidity and medical intervention. Couples considering natural childbirth
will get inspirational coaxing from more than a dozen first-person narratives shared by the author's clients. Gaskin decries
what she sees as Western medicine's focus on pain during birth, arguing that natural birthing can not only be euphoric and
blissful but also orgasmic (a survey of 150 natural birthing women "found thirty-two who reported experiencing at least one
orgasmic birth"). The second half of Gaskin's book deals with the practical side of natural birthing, including how to avoid
standard medical interventions such as epidurals, episiotomies and even prenatal amniocentesis that may be unnecessary, even
dangerous, to mother or child. While this may not be the definitive guide to natural childbirth, it is a comfortable and supportive
read for women who want to trust their bodies to do what comes naturally.
The Thinking Woman's Guide To A Better Birth: Henci Goer
Don Creevy, M.D., FACOG obstetrician-gynecologist Clinical Assistant Professor, Stanford University
Medical School "With the help of this book, any intelligent person can obtain the information necessary to make
informed choices. This unique book will provide the tools and confidence to have the best possible birth experience."
Simkin, P.T. internationally known speaker, birth educator, doula, doula-trainer co-author of *Pregnancy, Childbirth, and
the Newborn* and author of *The Birth Partner* "In Henci Goer, thinking women have a champion, and maternity caregivers
have a challenger. Henci has applied her impressive intellect, wisdom, writing skills, common sense, and wit to produce *The
Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth*. She analyzes and makes sense of a prodigious amount of recent obstetric research,
boils it down, and summarizes its findings. And, on the basis of these findings, she makes practical recommendations for better
births. Not one to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, Henci lets the reader in on her whole thinking process, providing scientific
references, summaries of the articles, and logical recommendations--all in a highly readable, user-friendly format."
Gentle Birth Choices: Barbara Harper
midwife, and founder of the Global Maternal/Child Health Association (GMCHA), Harper offers her addition to the growing number
of alternative childbirth books (e.g., Catherine M. Pool & Elizabeth A. Parr, Choosing a Nurse-Midwife, LJ 5/1/94). Considering
GMCHA's focus on water birth, it is not surprising that the major strength of Gentle Birth Choices is its thorough coverage
of this birthing technique as an option. Unlike many other alternative birth guides, Harper's book is well documented, citing
many well-recognized medical journals. A special plus is one of the appendixes, "Procedures and Protocols for Hydrotherapy
for Labor and Birth," and the book also contains a large section of resources.
Believe it or not, birth resulting from a normal pregnancy needn't take place in a hospital. Harper
explains why birthing centers and home births, along with other "gentle birth choices," are beneficial to both mother and
baby. With a foreword by Robbie Davis Floyd, who wrote Birth as an American Rite of Passage (1992), Gentle Birth
Choices also features a history of how childbirth came to be so technological and blasts myths such as why fetal monitors
save babies (they don't, very often). Harper also discusses giving birth in water and explores the connection of mind and
body during labor and birth. She stresses the importance of midwives for a more natural and satisfying experience. Well illustrated
with photos by acclaimed birth photographer Suzanne Arms and containing a first-rate resource section, Gentle Birth Choices
provides an excellent alternative to mainstream birth books.
Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation: Pam England
a registered nurse and certified nurse midwife, developed the "birthing from within" approach in a series of birthing classes
to help mothers reclaim and celebrate the spiritual, emotional, and psychological aspects of birth as a rite of passage. Her
book is a collection of methods that have been used for class participants. England is quick to point out that this "is not
a script or a rigid method," and she encourages parents and professionals to use those portions that are helpful. There are
numerous exercises and activities to help parents, especially mothers, be in contact with their bodies and feelings. The author
recommends throughout that the mother and her healthcare professional work together, giving numerous suggestions for making
this a successful partnership. England has done a fair amount of research and does include numerous references; at the same
time, she makes it a very personal book. It will appeal especially to patrons interested in alternative birthing methods.
Here is a holistic approach to childbirth that examines this profound rite-of-passage, not as a medical
event, but as an act of self-discovery. Exercises and activities such as journal writing, meditation, and painting will help
mothers analyze their thoughts and face their fears during pregnancy. For use during birth, the book offers proven techniques
for coping with labor pain without drugs, a discussion of the doctor or midwife’s role, and a look at the father’s
responsibilities. Childbirth education should also include what do expect after the baby is born. Here are baby basics, such
as how to bathe a newborn, how to get the little one to sleep, and tips for getting nursing off to a good start. Pregnancy,
birth, and postpartum is a process of continuous learning and adjustment; Birthing From Within provides the necessary
support and education to make each phase of birthing a rewarding experience.
Choosing Waterbirth: Reclaiming the Sacred Power of Birth: Lakshmi Bertran, Foreward
By Michael Odent
Bertram, a mother of five and a yoga instructor, recounts each of her labor and delivery experiences
using the gentle and natural method of water birth. Intended as an illustrated manual from pregnancy to birth to recovery,
the book includes sections on prenatal yoga postures, techniques for birthing in water, choosing a home birth, breast feeding,
and parenting a new baby. This intensely personal work is imbued with a spiritual perspective relative to both the physical
and psychological aspects of motherhood. While the text offers expectant mothers encouragement and reassurance, a list of
additional resourcesDassociations, centers where water birthing is available, books, tapes, and web sitesDwould have been
useful. As water birth becomes more mainstream, public libraries may wish to include this book in their wellness collections.
"This quietly passionate work pulses with a vital, heart-warming inflection that makes it an essential
on parenting, midwifery..."
Childbirth without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth: Grantly Dick-Read
'Reading Childbirth without Fear at age 16 provided me with the basis of knowledge of childbirth that
I used as a first-time mother and still use as a midwife of more than 35 years. A brilliant, courageous classic that is still
relevant today.' Ina May Gaskin - author of Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
'Childbirth Without Fear is the book that began the childbirth revolution. Dr. Grantly Dick-Read's insights
about women, their bodies and birth began the transformation of pregnancy and birth. Though we are still at the beginning
of this long battle, the reprint of Dick-Read's masterpiece will help.' Jan Tritton - editor Midwifery Today
'So great was my fear of childbirth that as a young girl I decided I would never have children. All that changed
when at the age of 18 my husband-to-be presented me with a copy of Childbirth without Fear. I remember so clearly turning
the pages and feeling my fear suddenly subside. I will always be grateful to Grantly Dick-Read for opening my eyes to the
truth about birth.' Laura Shanley - author Unassisted Childbirth
'Dr Grantly Dick-Read has always been an inspiration to me. His humanity, love and above all faith in women
and their innate mothering skills is truly remarkable. In an age where birth has often been overtaken by obstetrics Dr Dick-Read’s
philosophy is still as fresh as it was when he originally wrote this book. I highly recommend it.' Yehudi Gordon - obstetrician
& author
‘A fascinating insight into normal birth at a time when endorphins were not known, modern midwifery
did not exist and women had already learned to fear labour. Dick-Read, possibly the world’s first childbirth activist,
celebrates women’s innate capacity for safe and easy birth in a challenging book that will excite, amaze, infuriate
and uplift its readers.' Andrea Robertson - independent childbirth educator and author
'A 21st century edition of this historic - even legendary - book must be warmly welcomed.' Michel Odent -
obstetrician and author
'When I was heavily pregnant with my first child 25 years ago this book fell into my hands. That was the start
of my belief in natural childbirth which eventually led to four great births of my own and the founding of my life's work
in the Active Birth Movement. Grantly Dick-Read's message is inspirational and even more relevant today than when this book
was first published. Every pregnant mother should read it.' Janet Balaskas - Author of New Active Birth
'Essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how birth education started as well as the vision that
stimulated the birth movement. Dick-Read remains an inspiration for the humanisation of childbirth.' Sheila Kitzinger - author
The Best Of Breastfeeding Picks!
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers Revised and Updated: The Most Comprehensive
Problem-Solving Guide to Breastfeeding from the Foremost Expert in North America: Jack Newman
Review “Everything you wanted to know about breastfeeding . . . Filled with
current research, it’s still an easy, fun read that makes breastfeeding seem absolutely doable.” —Lamaze
Book Description An Amazing Resource for Nursing Moms
Although breastfeeding is the
natural and healthy way to nourish your baby, it’s not always easy. Many new mothers are scared away from nursing because
of difficulty getting started and lack of information about what to do when things don’t go as planned. In this fully
revised and updated edition of The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, two of today’s foremost lactation experts
help new mothers overcome their fears, doubts, and practical concerns about one of the most special ways a mother can bond
with her baby.
In this comprehensive guide, Dr. Jack Newman, a leading authority on infant care, and Teresa Pitman,
a La Leche League leader for more than twenty years, give you the facts about breastfeeding and provide solutions for the
common problems that arise. Filled with the same practical advice that made the first edition a must-have for nursing moms,
the new edition features updates on:
• Achieving a good latch • What to do if your baby refuses the
breast • Avoiding sore nipples • Ensuring your baby gets enough milk • Feeding a colicky baby •
Breastfeeding premature and special-needs babies
The Latch and Other Keys to Breastfeeding Success: Jack Newman
Why do most moms end up weaning before their babies are more than a few weeks old? How do you help
a mom have a successful breastfeeding experience? What is the benefit of skin-to-skin contact for newborns and how will it
help breastfeeding be more successful? What about the baby who is gaining well for the first four monts, then starts acting
hungry after breastfeeding? What is going on and how do you fix it? Can a baby with a cleft lip or palate breastfeed successfully?
Dr. Jack Newman and Teresa Pitman have seen thousands of breastfeeding moms and babies with all kinds of problems. In this
helpful, informative book, they share their insights and techniques to help moms and babies overcome their problems and breastfeed
successfully. These techniques have worked many times over the years, sometimes with dramatic results. They are convinced
these techniques will work for almost every mom in just about every situation. This book is a must for every health provider
who helps breastfeeding moms and babies. It includes protocols, assessment guides, and many pictures to help moms get the
latch right. Plus, it includes extensive references if you want to do further research on any of the topics.
The Breastfeeding Book: Sears
How would you like to give your baby a gift that could raise his IQ by 10 points; cut
medical bills; make your baby's eyes, heart, intestines, and nearly every other organ work better; reduce the risk of life-shortening,
debilitating diseases, such as diabetes; and help your baby avoid many of the common complaints of infancy, such as ear infections,
tummy upsets, even diaper rash? What's the magic gift that can do all these things? Your milk!....
Breastfeeding will
make it easier to care for your baby, and it will make it easier for you to know and understand your baby. It will affect
the way you listen to your child, the way you communicate, the way you respond for many years to come....
In the early
days of learning to breastfeed, there may be times when you feel like tossing in the nursing bra and reaching for a bottle.
You may be tempted to believe those advisers who suggest that formula feeding is easier, or just as good. Or, you may worry
that you're "not the type" of mother who succeeds at breastfeeding. Yet, when you remember how breastfeeding benefits your
baby, your family, and yourself, you will find the determination you need to overcome any obstacles and master the womanly
art of breastfeeding.
From America's foremost baby and childcare experts—the new breastfeeding bible for nursing
In recent years there has been a tremendous resurgence of interest in breastfeeding as American women have
discovered its unparalleled benefits to both mother and child. Yet first-time mothers often lack the support and the knowledge
they need to breastfeed successfully. And books on breastfeeding frequently fail to address the practical challenges that
confront many women (especially women who work outside the home)when they choose to breastfeed.
For today's nursing
mothers, The Breastfeeding Book is a godsend—with comprehensive, reassuring, authoritative information on:
how to get started, with illustrated tips for getting your baby latched on properly - increasing your milk supply -
making nurturing more comfortable - breastfeeding in absentia - pumps and the new technology associated with breastfeeding -
making sure your nursing baby gets the proper nutrition - breast milk vs. formula - breastfeeding and fertility -
nutrition and fitness while breastfeeding - nighttime breastfeeding - the father's role in breastfeeding - and much
Taking a realistic, contemporary approach, the Searses bring an age-old practice completely up to date. Their
encyclopedic guide to the art and science of breastfeeding enables all women to experience and enjoy one of nature's most
rewarding relationships.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Seventh Revised Edition (La Leche League International
All parents want the best for their babies, and there’s no doubt about the fact that human milk
is the ideal food for human babies. What’s the secret of successful breastfeeding? For almost fifty years mothers who
have been in touch with La Leche League have found the kind of information and support they needed to breastfeed their babies.
In this newly revised edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, you will learn:
• How
human milk offers lifetime benefits for your baby • How to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy •
How to exercise and lose weight safely while nursing • How to find time for yourself while meeting baby’s needs •
How to increase your milk supply by using herbs and medications • How to be sure your baby is getting enough to
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding was the first book of its kind, written for mothers by mothers. Over the
years, more than two million mothers have turned to it for information and inspiration.
About the Author Since
1955 when La LEche League started with seven women in the Chicago suburbs, it has grown into the leading breastfeeding advocacy
organization in the world, with more than three thousand groups in fifty countries. La Leche League International regularly
holds seminars and workshops for health care professionals and parents, and publishes more than twenty books on child care.
So That's What They're For!: The Definitive Breastfeeding Guide 3rd edition: Janet Tamaro
From bestselling author Janet Tamaro comes the third edition of So That's What They're For!
For years, moms have relied on this staple book-now infused with new sections, including breastfeeding multiples and monitoring
nutrition, and featuring completely revised and updated resource materials. Reflecting the latest in breastfeeding research,
and packed with humorous anecdotes, this book proves (again) that breastfeeding advice does not have to be boring!
About the Author Janet Tamaro is a certified lactation educator who frequently participates in online chats
and other forum discussions about breastfeeding. She is a television correspondent, reporter, and writer who worked for ABC
News, Fox, and KingWorld Productions.
Nursing Mother, Working Mother, Revised Edition: Gale Pryor
The World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other authorities on maternal-infant
health all recommend breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of a baby s life and continued breastfeeding through
one to two years of age (or for as long as mother and baby desire). For working mothers of infants (more than half of all
new mothers) meeting this goal can be challenging. The newly updated Nursing Mother, Working Mother offers you practical and
reassuring advice on everything from choosing the right pump in every situation, to securing lactation space and respect at
the workplace, to instructing childcare providers on feeding pumped breast milk, to continuing breastfeeding even when your
job requires business travel. It also includes information on changes in workplace laws. As a breastfeeding mother, you need
guidance and support to combine breastfeeding with your working life, and the reassuring and informative revised edition of
Nursing Mother, Working Mother assists you at every step.
About the Author Gale Pryor is a science writer
and editor specializing in health and development. Her work has appeared in numerous parenting magazines and corporate and
healthcare communications. She is the co-author, with her mother, Karen Pryor, of the best-selling Nursing Your Baby, now
in its fourth edition. Kathleen Huggins, R.N., M.S., is the best-selling author of The Nursing Mother s Companion and The
Expectant Parents Companion, and co-author of The Nursing Mother's Guide to Weaning. She is a registered nurse, a board-certified
lactation consultant, and owner of the maternity shop Simply Mama.
The Premature Baby Book: Sears and Sears
The Premature Baby Book explains how you can help your premature baby thrive and
flourish - in the hospital and at home.
If your baby is born prematurely, it's natural to feel special concern. In
the first few weeks after your baby's birth, you may grapple not only with complex medical decisions but also with the need
to anticipate developmental issues that could affect your child later on. The Premature Baby Book offers the tools and advice
you need to become comfortable with your potentially bewildering new role. The Searses show you how to be a valuable part
of the medical team, helping your baby thrive by offering the care that only a parent can give. Among the topics they cover:
- Getting to know the important people and the cutting-edge equipment in the neonatal intensive care unit
- A tour of a preemie's unique features and needs - head to toe, system by system
- Methods for dealing with the fears and feelings common to new parents of premature babies
- Ways parents can bond with their newborn during the infant's extended hospital stay
- Breastfeeding vs. bottle-feeding, and how to develop a healthy feeding pattern in the early days
- Necessary preparations for bringing baby home
- Common concerns and medical challenges during the first year
Like the Searses' bestselling Baby Book, this guide focuses on the essential needs of babies -eating, sleeping,
development, health, and comfort - as it addresses virtually every aspect of caring for the premature infant. Drawing on more
than three decades of pediatric experience, The Premature Baby Book is the definitive resource - the most comprehensive, authoritative,
and reassuring guide ever written for the parents of premature babies.
Mothering Multiples: Breastfeeding and Caring for Twins or More! (La Leche League International
A mother of multiple babies may find herself wondering if she can produce enough milk, how to coordinate
feedings, and if breastfeeding is even an option for her. The simple answer: Yes! In the third revised edition of Mothering
Multiples, author Karen Kerkhoff Gromada offers valuable information with an emphasis on breastfeeding and attachment-style
parenting. All aspects of caring for multiple babies are addressed, including possible complications of pregnancy, preparing
for a multiple birth, coping with newborns who might need to spend time in a NICU, establishing a milk supply for multiple
babies, adjusting as a couple, and caring for toddler multiples.
About the Author Karen Kerkoff Gromada
has worked with thousands of mothers of multiples as a La Leche League Leader for more than 30 years and is a registered nurse
and lactation consultant. A popular speaker on the topic of multiples, she has been published in the Journal of Human Lactation
and various nursing journals. She co-authored Keys to Parenting Multiples for Barrons Educational Series and was a pioneer
columnist for TWINS magazine.
Kangaroo Care: The Best You Can Do to Help Your Preterm Infant: Susan Ludington-Hoe
Originating in Colombia a decade ago as a means of keeping preterm infants (premies) alive in an unheated
hospital, "kangaroo care" is a term describing skin-to-skin contact in an upright position. The authors have written a comprehensive
book explaining what it is, which premies are suitable and why (not all qualify), the physiological theories behind it, and
how it benefits both infants and their parents. They describe a typical neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) stay and how this
procedure can complement NICU treatment. For additional information on premies, see Helen Harrison's The Premature Baby Book
( LJ 7/83). Highly recommended for family health collections. - Anne C. Tomlin, Auburn Memorial Hosp. Lib., N.Y. Copyright
1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Book Description From an internationally-known expert in child health,
here is a dramatically new approach to caring for premature babies--and a wonderful new role for parents. Filled with information
about the special needs of fragile newborns and illustrated with step-by-step photos.
Defining Your Own Success:
Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery: Diana West, BA, IBCLC
A comprehensive book on the subject of breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery.
It was written by Diana West, IBCLC, founder of The BFAR Site, a board-certified lactation consultant, co-founding member of the BFAR forums, and the owner/ administrator
of this website. She is a BFAR mother herself and has successfully breastfed three sons.
This book is an indispensible resource for BFAR family, friends, and caregivers, especially
lactation professionals. It is a comprehensive discussion of all the factors that surround breastfeeding after breast reduction
surgery, including:
- A review of the many tremendously valid reasons women have breast reduction surgery
- A clear explanation of the anatomy and physiology of the mammary system
- A discussion of the most common breast reduction surgery techniques performed and each surgery's
affect upon milk producing tissue
- A discussion of the vast benefits of breastmilk and breastfeeding
- The wide range of BFAR experiences with many anecdotal stories provided by BFAR email list
- A thorough discussion of what you can expect to feel and experience in your BFAR journey
- How you can prepare for BFAR before your baby is born
- A discussion of the practical mechanics of breastfeeding from the BFAR perspective
- How to maximize your milk supply and BFAR in the first few weeks postpartum
- Supplementing...when, what, how and how much
- Methods of increasing your milk supply, including pumping and galactagogues
- Common breastfeeding problems from the BFAR perspective
- BFAR and the older child
- BFAR emotional issues
- Evaluating and finding peace with your BFAR experience
- How professional caregivers can assist the BFAR mother
- Resources
- Weight gain charts
- Assessment chart
- Relaxation techniques
- What to have on hand checklist
and much more!
Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby: Debra Stewart Peterson
Revised edition. An instructional handbook for this "beautifully simple, natural process."
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby and Relactation (La Leche League International Book)
Not many people are aware of the fact that induced lactation and relactation are possible. La Leche
League International, the world s foremost authority on breastfeeding information, is proud to introduce a book that provides
information on these amazing biological processes. In Breastfeeding An Adopted Baby and Relactation, author and translator
Elizabeth Hormann, IBCLC, discusses: myths about breastfeeding an adopted baby; how lactation works; preparation for adoptive
breastfeeding; substances that stimulate milk production; beginning breastfeeding with an adopted baby; supplements; and support
for parents. This book is a must-read for adoptive and relactating mothers, as well as for the health professionals who assist
Dr. Jack Newman has fantastic adoptive breastfeeding information in his book, also on this page, called "The
Ultimate Breastfeeding Book Of Answers.". You can also go to my links page and find excellent websites dedicated to adoptive
breastfeeding linked there. Please call me with any questions, I'm here to help!!
Gentle Positive Parenting Picks!
Looking for a way out of spanking, shame based discipline and yelling? These books are for you! I can tell
you, they changed our home forever!
The Baby Book: Sears
The Baby Book, the "baby bible" of the post-Dr. Spock generation, already embraced by hundreds
of thousands of American parents, has now been revised, expanded, and brought thoroughly up to date-with the latest information
on everything from diapering to daycare, from midwifery to hospital "birthing rooms," from postpartum nutrition to infant
Dr. Bill and Martha Sears draw from their vast experience both as medical professionals and as the parents
of eight children to provide comprehensive information on virtually every aspect of infant care. Working for the first time
with their sons Dr. Bob and Dr. Jim, who are both pediatric specialists in their own right, the Searses have produced a completely
updated guide that is unrivaled in its scope and authority. The Baby Book focuses on the essential needs of babies - eating,
sleeping, development, health, and comfort - as it addresses the questions of greatest concern to today's parents. The topics
covered include:
-bonding with your baby -feeding your baby right -soothing your fussy baby -getting your
baby to sleep -understanding your baby's development -treating common illnesses -babyproofing your home -toddler
behavior -dealing with temper tantrums -toilet training -working and parenting -and much more
Baby Book presents a practical, contemporary approach to parenting that reflects the way we live today. The Searses acknowledge
that there is no one best way to parent a baby, and they offer the basic guidance and inspiration you need to develop the
parenting style that best suits you and your child. The Baby Book is a rich and invaluable resource that will help you get
the most out of parenting-for your child, for yourself, and for your entire family.
The Discipline Book: Sears
From the bestselling authors of The Baby Book and The Birth Book comes The Discipline Book, the definitive
guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children. Seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal
experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of
disciplinary issues and practices.With focus on preventing behavior problems as well as managing them when they arise, the
Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that
discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting,
saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behavior, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger,
good nutrition for good behavior, and sleep discipline.On handling problem behavior, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking
and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviors like whining and talking back.
The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologizing and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues
as lying, stealing, and cheating. In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations
such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.
The Attachment Parenting Book : A Commonsense Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your
Baby: Sears
Is it OK to sleep with your newborn baby? How old is too old for breastfeeding? These questions and
more are answered in this latest addition to the Sears Parenting Library. Attachment Parenting encourages early, strong, and
sustained attention to the new babys needs and this book outlines the steps that will create the most lasting bonds between
parents and their children. Practical and inspirational, this book, the heart of the Sears parenting creed, is a necessity
for every new parents' bookshelf. William Sears, M.D., and Martha Sears, R.N., are widely regarded as North Americas foremost
baby and childcare experts and have had success with their previous 16 books addressing parenting issues. William Sears, M.D.,
is a contributing editor to Parenting and Baby Talk magazines, as well as the parenting.com web site. The most-frequently
asked parenting questions from this site have now been compiled into four easy-to-read FAQ books: The First Three Months,
How To Get Your Baby to Sleep, Feeding the Picky Eater, and Keeping Your Baby Healthy.
Nighttime Parenting: How to Get Your Baby and Child to Sleep: Sears
Why do some families have fewer sleep problems than others? What works for most parents most of the
time and why?
Parenting is a full-time, twenty-four-hour-a-day job. Nighttime Parenting was written to make
that job easier and to help the whole family--mother, father, baby--sleep better. It helps parents understand why babies sleep
differently than adults, offers solutions to nighttime problems, and even describes how certain styles of nighttime parenting
can aid in child spacing and lower the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Renowned pediatrician Dr. William
Sears helps you find a solution to your baby's sleepless nights and offers comprehensive, caring advice on issues such as:
Where babies should sleep * What foods help children sleep * Tips for single parents * Getting children to bed without
a struggle
This newly-revised edition incorporates the latest research on SIDS and its prevention, and is truly a must-have
volume for all parents.
"This book belongs on the shelf right next to The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. It will
help all new parents raise happier and more secure children."--Mary White, founding mother, La Leche League (r) International
About the Author William Sears, M.D., is a pediatrician in private practice in Pasadena, California, assistant
professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California, and a writer and frequent speaker on parenting and child
The No Cry Sleep Solution: Elizabeth Pantley and Dr. Sears
A breakthrough approach for a good night's sleep--with no tears There
are two schools of thought for encouraging babies to sleep through the night: the hotly debated Ferber technique of letting
the baby "cry it out," or the grin-and-bear-it solution of getting up from dusk to dawn as often as necessary. If you don't
believe in letting your baby cry it out, but desperately want to sleep, there is now a third option, presented in Elizabeth
Pantley's sanity-saving book The No-Cry Sleep Solution. Pantley's successful solution has been tested and proven effective
by scores of mothers and their babies from across the United States, Canada, and Europe. Based on her research, Pantley's
guide provides you with effective strategies to overcoming naptime and nighttime problems. The No-Cry Sleep Solution offers
clearly explained, step-by-step ideas that steer your little ones toward a good night's sleep--all with no crying. Tips from
The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Uncover the stumbling blocks that prevent baby from sleeping through the night Determine--and work
with--baby's biological sleep rhythms Create a customized, step-by-step plan to get baby to sleep through the night Use the
Persistent Gentle Removal System to teach baby to fall asleep without breast-feeding, bottlefeeding, or using a pacifier Download
Description "A breakthrough approach for a good night's sleep--with no tears There are two schools of thought for encouraging
babies to sleep through the night: the hotly debated Ferber technique of letting the baby ""cry it out,"" or the grin-and-bear-it
solution of getting up from dusk to dawn as often as necessary. If you don't believe in letting your baby cry it out, but
desperately want to sleep, there is now a third option, presented in Elizabeth Pantley's sanity-saving book The No-Cry Sleep
Solution. Pantley's successful solution has been tested and proven effective by scores of mothers and their babies from across
the United States, Canada, and Europe. Based on her research, Pantley's guide provides you with effective strategies to overcoming
naptime and nighttime problems. The No-Cry Sleep Solution offers clearly explained, step-by-step ideas that steer your little
ones toward a good night's sleep--all with no crying. Tips from The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Uncover the stumbling blocks that
prevent baby from sleeping through the night Determine--and work with--baby's biological sleep rhythms Create a customized,
step-by-step plan to get baby to sleep through the night Use the Persistent Gentle Removal System to teach baby to fall asleep
without breast-feeding, bottlefeeding, or using a pacifier "
The Fussy Baby Book: Dr. Sears
"High-need" babies crave touch and motion, can't self-soothe, have difficulty sleeping, nurse often and
well into their toddler years and are intense, draining and demanding, say pediatrician Sears and his RN wife, parents of
eight children and authors of The Birth Book and 12 other parenting titles. Informed by their experience with a high-need
daughter and by observations of patients, the Searses outline how to handle such fussy babies, rehashing their theory of "attachment
parenting"?carrying the baby in a sling, nursing on demand, sharing the family bed and responding rather than letting the
baby "cry it out," etc. Parents are encouraged to focus on the positive: a high-need baby, the authors say, "cries impressively"
and "values being with you"; he or she isn't a "difficult sleeper" or "clingy." Desperate parents will be grateful for the
many tips and the mommy-burnout survival list. But veteran moms and pops may have trouble swallowing some suggestions (bounce
gently on a trampoline with baby). Readers may also yearn for substantiation of claims that fussers grow up to be confident,
expressive, responsible teens and adults. Still, the authors' warm-fuzzy "You're okay, baby's okay" outlook may be just the
right medicine for many anxious parents of demanding children. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This
text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
William and Martha Sears, a pediatrician
and a nurse, respectively, have written this book to provide guidance and support for parents of children who have high needs
for comfort, feeding, and the like from birth. The authors cite both their own family experience and the stories of their
patients and others. The guidance they provide flies in the face of parenting advice of the last several decades, but the
positive results of high-touch, intensive, attachment parenting?a concept the authors first introduced in Baby Book (LJ 2/1/93)?are
evident. This well-organized book will most likely appeal to educated baby-boomer, baby-buster parents. Recommended for consumer
health collections.?Mary J. Jarvis, Methodist Hosp. Medical Lib., Lubbock, Tex. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information,
Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care For Your Baby And Young Child
By: Katie Allison Granju
"Attachment to and dependency on parents... is a normal, healthy aspect of childhood and not something that
needs to be discouraged." This quote from Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care for Your Baby and Young Child sums
up the attitude behind the growing shift in many Western cultures toward a labor-intensive but arguably more rewarding, effective,
and "natural" way to raise children. This philosophy, termed "Attachment Parenting" by its champion, pediatrician and father
of eight Dr. William Sears (author of the popular child-care manual The Baby Book, among others), sees infants not as manipulative adversaries who must be "trained" to eat, sleep, and play when told,
but as dependent yet autonomous human beings whose wants and needs are intelligible to the parent willing to listen, and who
deserve to be responded to in a reasonable and sensitive manner. As with Sears's books, there are no plans or schedules here,
no specific prescriptions for what to do with your child. Techniques to facilitate connection and communication are outlined,
but mostly the book is an exhortation to listen and to trust yourself, and to trust your child's ability to convey
to you what he or she needs.
Information is provided in a well-organized format that parents will find useful. Common questions regarding
some of Attachment Parenting's less orthodox tenets are answered, and each section of the book provides lengthy reading and
resource lists, Web sites, and e-mail addresses. This book also provides a fairly broad discussion of how working parents
can incorporate such a "high-touch" style of care into their busy schedules. The authors are sometimes painfully straightforward
about the cost-benefit analysis parents must go through when deciding to work outside the home, but they do not patronize
working parents by glossing over this difficult decision. They show how Attachment Parenting can be especially beneficial
to these families and give advice on choosing child care, breastfeeding after returning to work, and the techniques for creating
a breastfeeding-friendly workplace.
Given the overwhelming cultural paradigms that parents must resist if they are going to adopt this compassionate
methodology, the book's sometimes defensive tone can be at least partially excused. As a whole, parents will find this a good
overview of some compelling arguments for Attachment Parenting and a wonderful resource for delving deeper into the issues
it addresses. How much of it they choose to integrate into their lives is, as the book emphasizes, their decision to make,
with their baby. --Katherine Ferguson
Drawing on the literature of Dr. William Sears, who provides the
book's introduction, Granju (with the help of Kennedy, R.N., M.S.N.) offers a mother's insight into the concept of attachment
parenting. Rather than the typical child care approach that provides a list of generic "do's and don'ts" during certain phases
in a baby's development, the attachment theory posits that parents know their child better than so-called experts. Granju
examines breast feeding, baby wearing, and the family bed as natural concepts conducive to raising healthy children. She relates
numerous experiences of mothers pulled from Internet listservs. Patrons may be well served by using these addresses to engage
in their own Internet discourse, but, unfortunately, these rather flat anecdotes, along with extensive lists of attachment
parenting resources, comprise the bulk of the book. Attachment Parenting adds nothing that Sears hasn't already covered in
more detail in his many respected and groundbreaking works.
The Happiest Baby on the Block: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep
Longer: Dr. Harvey Karp
Karp, a pediatrician in Santa Monica, Calif., and assistant professor at the School of Medicine,
UCLA, offers a new method to calm and soothe crying infants. While nursing or being held satisfies some babies, others seemingly
cry for hours for no reason. These babies suffer from what Karp calls the Fourth Trimester. When you bring your soft, dimpled
newborn home from the hospital, you may think your nursery is a peaceful sanctuary.... To him, it's a disorienting world part
Las Vegas casino, part dark closet! Karp recommends a series of five steps designed to imitate the uterus. These steps include
swaddling, side/stomach position, shhh sounds, swinging and sucking. The book includes detailed advice on the proper way to
swaddle a child, the difference between a gentle rocking versus shaking and more. According to the author, virtually all babies
will respond to these strategies although some trial and error may be needed to find the most effective calming method. A
number of the steps letting kids nurse more frequently or encouraging babies to use pacifiers, for instance contradict other
childcare experts. However, parents who are at their wits' ends because of a baby's incessant crying will find this book invaluable.
In fact, expectant parents may want to read it before they bring their newborns home from the hospital.