The reality is that very few hospitals in town have Board Certified Lactation Consultants on
staff. About half of those that do have an IBCLC, only have one, so she cannot be there 24 hours and the hospital has
more mothers and infants than she can all see.
In some of the Las Vegas hospitals, they have one or two nurses (RNs)
that have had some lactation education (but often no clinical skills training). However, they have all the regular duties
that all the other postpartum nurses do and usually have little to no time for assisting with breastfeeding.
Before you register at your hospital, ask your doctor and the hospital if they have an IBCLC available 24
hours to assist you with breastfeeding your baby. Also ask them if you get to keep your baby with you at *all* times,
Including, but not limited to the first 8 hours after birth. This is so you can breastfeed your baby while he/she is
most able to.
If they don't, get into a breastfeeding class given by an IBCLC and have an IBCLC that you can
visit postpartum.